Confessions of an Anxious Mortician

welcome to my anxious brain


Theory vs Practice In Death Care

Here’s one of the things (of many) they don’t tell you whilst attending Mortuary School… the emotions you’re gonna feel with families is UNREAL. There are so many long stories I could tell you right now, but I’ll keep it short ’cause I are tirrred. Between yesterday’s Graveside for a 50-something woman who met her […]

All Alone At The Funeral Home

Ok. So. My boss and my co-worker (my boss’s son) are in Michigan for a week. I’m all alone at the funeral home for a week. All.Alone. Surprisingly, my anxiety is very low. It’s either because of my meds, or because I actually have confidence in myself. WHAT?? conĀ·fiĀ·dence: the feeling or belief that one […]

I Actually DO Make A Difference!

WARNING: This post is the longest one I’ve written in a very long time. I hope it’s worth it… For so many years I floundered on the shore of existence. I would say 39, but I guess technically my first 5 years (on this subject) didn’t count; only because it wasn’t before then that I […]