Confessions of an Anxious Mortician

welcome to my anxious brain

#LastResponder #Hysterectomy

Decided that the pictures should be first.

Chapter Thirty-one. It’s cold. There’s a new President. Work is hard, but I finally have a career. I have a big girl job, and a new big girl car. The holidays are coming; they’re going to be weird this year. So much of life up in the air.

Chapter Thirty-two. It’s still cold. Covid is still a thing. Work is still hard, but I for sure have a career I love. And I’m really good at what I do. I’m finally actually proud of myself and the mark I’m leaving on society. My hair is longer than it’s been in years. Heartbreak brought me to where I am, and I’m beyond grateful.

Chapter Thirty-three. Spring is on the horizon. Funeral Directors in Ohio have finally been considered important enough to get a Covid vaccine without an argument. Work continues to be stressful, but I’m hanging in there. Today I was approved for a hysterectomy. I’m beyond thrilled. Like, be-yond.

Chapter Thirty-four. My uterus is finally gone. I’ve been in my apartment for a year. I need curtains. And a TV. Every day I think I’ve made horrible life decisions. How did I end up in Ohio from California? I chopped off ten inches of hair. Is this really what I signed up for?

Chapter Thirty-five. I’m going back home soon; for a whole week. Haven’t seen my immediate family in two years. I have, however, worked every day for the past 5 weeks. Such is the life I’ve chosen. I’m not complaining. It’s horrible, but I love it. This is my calling.

This is still true…I for sure have a career I love. And I’m really good at what I do. I’m finally actually proud of myself and the mark I’m leaving on society.”

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